Here are some of my favorite places to get a cup o' joe and study here in Tulsa:
- Starbucks. We have quite a few of these around town…at least a dozen. Find your favorite one and get to know the baristas. They have been known to allow free 2nd cups of coffee.
- Kaffe Bona. 2 locations within just a few miles of ORU. They have a lot of tables and leather couches for the perfect studying atmosphere, although it can get a little loud sometimes (just bring earbuds). And, bonus, they offer ORU students a discount!
- Nordaggios. The classic coffee shop located across the street from ORU, so even if you don’t have a car, a nice jaunt across the street can stimulate your brain for studying with a cup of roasted joe (discounts here too for ORU students).
- Barnes & Noble. This place is usually quite crowded but occasionally there are some free tables…however, power outlets are no where to be found (just charge up before you g0).
- Cosi. This little café is just a few miles from ORU and not only offers oven-baked bread sandwiches, pizzas, and an assortment of coffee drinks, but it has free wi-fi, s’mores, and an outlet at almost every table They also offer $2 off your order when you flash your ORU ID!
- Library. There are lots of these around town. Besides the one on campus which has multiple locations conducive to studying, the Tulsa public libraries have also been known to be great places to get away and think. Again, no coffee here, but with all the Starbucks in town, there’s probably one less than a mile from whatever library you go to – and some libraries have been known to have little coffee carts.
- Shades of Brown. This is a coffee shop in Brookside with funky décor and some back rooms to avoid the activity at the front of the store. Amazing hot spiced chai!
- Coffee Shop on Cherry Street. This place is on 15th Street near Utica Square so it is a bit further than some of the nearby places to ORU (a plus if you want to get-away). A bit eclectic like Shades of Brown but great atmosphere with plenty of tables! Beware of their homemade pies and cookies. ;)
These are just some of the places I have found in Tulsa that have been great places to study. If you are from Tulsa or are currently studying here, feel free to share your favorite study place as well – I’m always looking for additional places to check out!