27 Days
What is 27 days from now, you might ask? Well, 27 class days from now it will be the beginning of Thanksgiving break. It's not like I'm counting down the number of classes I have because I can't wait to be done and I won't be keeping a calendar next to my computer crossing off days until then, but I just wanted to show how fast this semester will soon be coming to an end. Perhaps my counting days until Thanksgiving Break may have some to do with what I will be doing during that time. And what exactly could I be doing that would usher me to count class days left on the first day back from Fall Break? Traveling to Europe!
I have been extremely blessed with a family that loves to travel and can put aside differences for a week in some random location in the world. This year the location of our annual family reunion is in Germany and Austria. And while I am so excited to be headed for Europe, I know it means I must buckle down on my studies over the next 5 weeks (yes, only 5...plus 2 days on the 6th week) in order to be able fully enjoy a trip to Europe without lingering projects, papers, and assignments. Hopefully we all will be able to push through these next several weeks and have some great time management!Photo credit: from Epoch Times
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