Last night, a former ORU alum, Cassia Carr, spoke to the SIFE Entrepreneurial Club on how young professionals can demonstrate an entrepreneurial mindset, even in the corporate workplace.
Here are a few highlights!
Stuff doesn't just happen -- YOU make it happen.
P = Positive Attitude. Next to results, this is the most important promotable metric! People are more interested in what you have to say when you are positive. A good attitude is the most effective witness in the workplace.
R = Responsibility. It IS your fault. But you CAN fix it! Taking responsibility is a sign of professional maturity.
O = Overachieve. Mediocrity MIGHT keep you in the job you have, but it will not promote you. Find the one thing you thrive while doing! Focus on your strengths, but don't ignore your weaknesses.
A = (Jump) All in! Get dirty - don't hesitate to jump all in. Understand what those under you deal with. Do something extra that may not be "your job" but betters the company. People will take notice and management will put you on their radar.
C = Cultivate relationships.
With customers: They need to see you as sincere and trustworthy. Find out what your customers’ goals are - and help them attain them. Ask and identify needs! Go to your clients with solutions to their problems.
With peers/ employer: It DOES matter what they think about you. Accept the positive AND negative feedback for them. Ask for advice from your boss. They hold the key to your promotion.
T = Time is Money! Think of every minute as a penny. You must prioritize your days.
I = Initiate change. Don't be afraid to try something different. Learn how things work first. New employees should have a slew of innovative ideas! Find out if your ideas have been done before. Evaluate the results...the good and bad. Share results with your peers. Be the go-to for ideas and creativity!
V = Vision. Catch your employer's vision. Know what the “Big Rocks” are for your company. This helps you to prioritize. Hab 2:2 - write the vision! Everything in the past is preparation for the future. Develop in every job you hold. Always remember your vision and purpose.
E = Everything in God's Will and Timing. Don't forget your ultimate purpose! Share the love of God every day. Romans 12 - stay in the Word daily. Don't define your identity by your success at work. Daily confessions are powerful! Speak success over your life and pray for the Lord’s wisdom.
A big thank you to Cassia for sharing with our students from her own experiences and successes. All the best to you as you continue to pursue greatness, Cassia!
Very helpful